Shortfin Mako Fishing Information
source: myfwc.com
illustrations: Diane Rome Peebles
Description: lunate tail with similarly sized lobes; lateral keel at the
base of the tail; deep blue back and white underside;
underside of sharply pointed snout white;
origin of first dorsal entirely behind base of
pectoral fins; second dorsal fin slightly in
front of anal fin; slender, recurved teeth with
smooth edges.
Similar fish: white shark, Carcharodon carcharias; longfin
mako, Isurus paucus.
Where found: OFFSHORE fish often seen near the surface.
Size: commonly 6 to 8 feet (200 to 300 pounds).
Remarks: active, strong swimming fish known for leaping out of the water when hooked; feeds on mackerel, tuna,
sardines, and some much larger fish.